Tours To Uzbekistan

Winery in Samarkand

Published: 31 january 2013

 "The truth is hiding in the wine,
It is a constant view of mine.
Wine may taste bitter as my life,
But it can cause a lot of drive.
And every morning at the dawn
I feel as if I'm on the throne.
A crystal glass, and earthenware
Are the only things of which I care!"
(arbitrary translation of Omar Khayyam)


And it is the truth, warm and sunny Uzbekistan is a beneficial place for vine growing. Sunny Samarkand, second capital of Uzbekistan, is famous not only for its ancient historical sights, but for vineyards. That promoted opening of the fist winery in Uzbekistan. Thus, the winery was built in Samarkand.
Today guests of Samarkand can visit the winery after Prof. M.A.Khovrenko. The winery was opened in 1868. The founder was the Russian entrepreneur D.M.Filatov. He achieved excellent results, and in 1883 on the International fair of wines and brandies in Paris he won the golden medal. Later the talented wine-maker Mikhail Khovrenko headed this winery. Today best sorts of wines of Uzbekistan are produced according to the traditional receipts using innovative technologies. Every year this winery processes 16 thousand of tones of vine.
In 30 -th of the XX century in the course of reconstruction of the winery some Filatov’s caches were found. They opened the huge collection of best wines of the winery founder. Even after half the century they did not lose their taste, but obtained ripening and bright rough shade.
Today several types of wine, brandy and vodka are produced in this winery. Besides, collections placed in special undergrounds for many years ripening are made. And the separate collection sorts of wine are put up for auctions.
The winery has a wine museum, where the collection of the best wines for the whole XX century is storied. Guests of Samarkand can not only see, but also try them.
During its existence, the winery won more than 80 international awards for wine sorts.

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