Tours To Uzbekistan

 Sights of Uzbekistan

Nekropolis Mizdahkan


Nekropolis Mizdahkan(4th century BC) is situated in the surroundings of Nukus city. The cemetery is located on three hills. The complex includes the f...
Kavat-Kala fortress


  Kavat-Kala fortress is a unique monument of the middle Ages, which stretches for 15 km, its width is 2-3 km along Gavhore Channel. Until recent...
The State Museum of Art named after I. V. Savicky


  The State Museum of Art named after I. V. Savicky (Karakalpakstan State Museum of Art) is the main attraction of Nukuscity, the capital of...
The Amudarya River


  The Amudarya River flows through the territory of Central Asia (Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan). The length of the river is ...
Shamun-Nabi Mausoleum


Shamun-Nabi Mausoleum is located on the northern hill of Mizdakhan. Structure was erected in the 18th century in honor of the legendary magician of Ce...